Jo Jo on Disney. It is the devil
I'm talking about Jo Jo here. Jo Jo on playhouse disney. One of the little 2 minute or so segments they do in between shows. My blood pressure rises when it comes on. And I say IT because WHO THE HECK KNOWS WHAT JO JO IS?! Male? Female?? Its like SNL's "Pat" for kids TV. So, Jo Jo or I may just call it IT for short, has a pet Lion. A lion with a little squeaky voice. Why? I don't know. But this I do know- they do YOGA. You heard me right, the squeaky lion and IT roll out their gay little yoga mats and try to tell kids things like this:
"Hey Kids! When you're feeling like you're getting angry, do the upward facing dog!" And then they show you step by step how to do the yoga pose. If you ask me, its a rogue show - the programmers randomly put it on so the parents never know when its scheduled. If I miss it and Anna ends up watching it, she is mesmerized, which makes me so mad at IT. I usually end up interrupting IT when it says "when you're feeling angry... " and say something very loud like, "we ask JESUS TO HELP US!" which is usually my generic answer to anything Jo Jo says. Because I am always caught off guard. Because its a rogue show. Mind control. I'm convinced they are trying to do mind control. So the other day I walk in the room and IT is on and I come in right when IT says, "so when you're afraid of the dark, all you have to do is..." and I yell, "JESUS IS WITH ME I WON'T BE AFRAID!!" and Anna turns and looks and me and I say, "right honey?" "mmhmm" she says.
Labels: disney woes
Leanne, love it!
I'm right there with ya.
Combatting the crazy stuff on tv!
Good going mom! Our kids may think we're nuts..... but, we can pray that in the long run they will see and hear what we're trying to teach them! James 1:27 -- religion that is pure and faultless is this; taking care of the orphans and widows in their distress and keeping oneself (and our little ones) from being polluted by the 'world.' (TV)
Keep it up momma!
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