What Really Matters?
So recently, I read a transcript of Obama in his senate committee hearing a bill to protect a child born alive after an induced labor abortion. He heard nurse Jill Stanek talk about how she held one such child who survived an induced labor. The induced labor method is used for late-term abortions, but many of the babies were strong enough to survive- for a while. The assertion is that the babies will simply not be strong enough to handle it.
This particular baby had down syndrome and the parents didn't want to see him after he was born. The nurse who was present at the delivery was too busy so she put him in a soiled utility room and he was left there to die. Jill, the nurse testifying before a senate committee, had pity on the child and held him until he died. He was 22 weeks I believe.
This apparently was not a new thing. Jill blew the whistle and legislation was drawn up. Even such abortion proponents like Barbara Boxer went along with it. But Obama voted against it, in the end, to save doctors from being legally liable. His last statement in the transcript was quite telling.
"I think it’s important to understand that this issue ultimately is about abortion and not live births. Because if these are children who are being born alive, I, at least, have confidence that a doctor who is in that room is going to make sure that they’re looked after."
The nurse said that as many as 1 in 5 babies was left to die. I find this interesting that Obama puts so much moral confidence in the doctor or doctors that tried to abort the baby in the first place. Why would they try to kill and then try to save? Maybe sometimes they did. I don't know the story behind that. But its an interesting that Obama thinks they have such moral high ground as to have confidence in the doctors to make a moral judgement to save the baby they just tried to kill. Have I said it enough times now? The Dr who performed the abortion wants to now save the baby?
Here's what I want to get at: There are lots of issues in the election.
-housing crises
-health care
-social security
-national security
And somehow, we are all overlooking basic issues like abortion, in this case, INFANTICIDE, homosexual rights or marriage, etc. Things most christians look at that make a difference who they vote for. But, I think for many christians now, they have lost hope in the issue of abortion, of homosexual rights. "We're not going to change it" they think, and move on to the long list of pressing questions about economic woes.
But here's the thing. "Seek first the Kingdom of God, and being right with God. And all these things will be added unto you" The economy, while important, I don't think applies to the Kingdom of God. In fact, in this chapter (matt 6) it talks about not worrying. Who hasn't worried about their retirement?!? Their jobs?! I think we just got our answer. Seek first His Kingdom and being right with Him and He'll take care of our needs.
I believe that writing this legislation to protect live babies is seeking his kingdom first. Its caring for the least of us, isn't it? But, its not just about the legislation, its about a worldview.
I'm really not a huge McCain fan, but at least they believe in protecting human life. Our country is one of the VERY FEW who actually believes human life really matters. This is a whole other blog entry, in which I may, very soon write. But, man was the best of all God's creation. I think it matters the most to Him.
Labels: politics